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Reading is the most important thing that we can introduce to our children.  An ability to read will open up the rest of the curriculum to your child and allow them an easier journey throughout their educational journey.

We would encourage every child to read to an adult at least three times a week and we would also encourage children to be read to by an adult.  This should not stop once the children develop a confidence in reading as it is a key time for them to enjoy the pleasure of having a book read to them and will also allow them the much needed opportunites to ask questions they may not have been able to had they simply being left to read a book to themselves.


We shall continue to use Reading VIPERS as an educational reading tool in Class 2.  We will use VIPERS as part of our reading comprehension lessons. 

Please follow the link for further information: https://www.literacyshedplus.com/en-gb/browse/reading-vipers

Reading Comprehension

Comprehension has a focus on understanding.  We often find that children can read words, stories or information, but do they truly understand what they are reading?

These lessons will use a variety of stories, poems, songs and pictures to elicit responses from the children to show an understanding.  These can range from predictive work based on a facial expression, through to displaying an understanding about what a key word can tell us about a text.

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