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We have an excellent SEN team within the Federation. Our designated SENCO is Mrs Victoria Shackleton, who is always ready for any of your questions about any issues regarding your child's learning.

If you have any queries with regards your child's learning please do not hesitate to make an appointment with your childs class teacher or our SENCO. 


Kirklees Local Offer

For more information and to view the SEND Kirklees Local offer please click here.

To access the online engagement local offer the quick link is here:


For Kirklees Information Advice and Support services please click here.


To visit PECAN, a site for parents of children with additional needs, please click here.

Dealing with Anxiety

To visit the Parent's Guide to dealing with Anxiety, please click here.  This useful document can help parents support their children who may have anxierty related illnesses.

Child's Mental Health

Sensory Needs

If you think your child may have sensory needs. Come and talk to us in school and visit the sensory needs website for Kirklees by clicking here

Current SEN pupils on roll

Across Wilberlee School we currently have 81 pupils on roll. Of the 81 pupils there are currently 23 SEN pupils (28%) 18 pupils have additional needs and 5 children have EHC/statements plans in place. 

SEN Admissions

Pupils with special educational needs will be admitted to the three schools within the Heights Federation in line with the school’s admissions policy.  Each school is aware of the statutory requirements of the Children and Families Act 2014 and will meet the Act’s requirements. Each school will use their induction meetings to work closely with parents to ascertain whether a child has been identified as having, or possibly having special educational needs. In the case of a pupil joining the school from another school, the new school will seek to ascertain from parents whether the child has special education needs and will access previous records as quickly as possible. If the school is alerted to the fact that a child may have a difficulty in learning they will make their best endeavors to collect all relevant information and plan a relevant differentiated curriculum. The Admissions policy is available upon request.

When a pupil transfers to another school, transfer documents, including full records of their special educational needs, will be sent to the receiving school. On transfer to secondary school the Year 6 teacher and SENCO will meet with the SENCO of the receiving school to discuss SEN records and the needs of the individual pupils.  An invitation will be issued for a representative of the receiving school to attend the transition review meeting held in Year 6.

The documents above may be of use to you as parents. If you have any questions, please see Mrs Shackleton, Federation SENDCo.

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