What We do in class one
Welcome to Class One!
Welcome to our Class One page. In Class One we have a mix of Reception and Year 1 children.
Take a look around our class pages so that you can find out more about what we get up to!
Class One Teachers
Class 1 are taught by Mrs Barnes and Miss Walton, alongside support from Mrs Lomas, Miss Hofman, Mrs Clegg and Mrs Razia.
Miss Garner teaches PPA cover and Mr Purcell teaches Music.
P.E. is taught on Wednesday.
In Class 1 we aim to provide a stimulating, fun environment where children can explore their world safely, in order to enhance and drive their own learning and develop their well being.
Things to bring to School
A healthy snack for break time.
Your reading books and comment book daily.
Your recommended reading book ready to choose another one.
Don't forget to have a pair of wellies and some waterproofs in school.
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