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Hello and welcome to Wilberlee Junior and Infant School!
I’m delighted that you have taken the time to have a look at our website and to find out about our school.
Wilberlee is a small, rural school on the outskirts of Huddersfield. The school is set in a beautiful location in the village of Slaithwaite, surrounded by the rolling hills and beautiful scenery of the Colne Valley. We are an active part of the community, with strong links to local churches, schools and community groups.
We are extremely proud to be part of The Heights Federation of Schools- Clough Head J and I School, Wellhouse J and I School and Wilberlee J and I School. Our federation began with Clough Head and Wellhouse Schools in January 2008 and we were delighted to welcome Wilberlee School to join the federation in September 2014. We work closely together to provide extended learning opportunities for our pupils, social events for our families and a strong support network for our staff. We enjoy many shared learning opportunities, both inside and outside of school and the children in each school now have an extended network of friends. We are able to share and ‘pool’ resources and we regularly provide shared learning experiences. The Federation allows us to draw upon the expertise of our staff and the good practice in each school and it allows us to work together to develop knowledge, skills and teaching provision. Why not have a look at the Clough Head and Wellhouse websites- their links are on our homepage.
I am a shared Headteacher and I spend my time working between the three schools. I have worked in the federation since it began thirteen years ago and I love my job! Although I am only at each school for part of the week, I try to be involved with the pupils and their learning as much as possible. I feel that the Federation has had a positive impact upon all our schools and I enjoy working with our dedicated team of staff and Governors and our friendly families and community.
Visitors to our schools are always welcome- come and have a look around and find out more about Wilberlee School and our Federation.
Mrs Claire Kenworthy
Headteacher of the Heights Federation
Photos courtesy of David at Purple Cow Photography.

Wilberlee Junior and Infant School
Heys Lane
01484 222588