Teaching Geography

We teach geography according to the National Curriculum objectives for Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 with Early Years following the EYFS Curriculum and covering the subject of geography through 'Knowledge and Understanding of the World'.
We teach themes across each half term, where pupils study themes such as 'Who was Rosa Parks?' and 'Where are you Katie Morag?'. Within these themes are the discrete subjects of history, geography, art and such.
Evidence of our themes can be seen for each class by following the parents, curriculum tab above or clicking on the links below:
We have identified that within the National Curriculum guidance for geography are the following strands: Locational Knowledge, Fieldwork, Map Skills, Physical and Human Geography. We feel that these are essential areas to cover in each year group and you will see these strands thread themselves through our curriculum maps to ensure that across a year all these areas of the NC for geography are covered.
Knowledge, Skills and Experiences Progression Ladder
We also have knowledge, skills and progression documents of what should be taught within the subject of geography in each class so that staff, pupils and parents are aware of what needs to be covered, what has come before and what will follow in the next phase of their georgraphical learning. These documents are essential for staff in planning and preparing lessons to ensure all children make progress within geography both across a lesson and through each year. This will result in pupils securing the Key Stage 2 geography outcomes by the end of their education with us at school.